Taking your child to his or her first funeral can be a challenging experience. While some children will hardly know what’s happening, others can be distraught by the tangible grief in the room. The age at which it’s appropriate to expose your child to a funeral depends largely on the child—some children will be ready for the experience when they’re young and others will not. When you finally decide to have your child accompany you to the funeral home, here are three things to remember that can help make the process go smoother. Read More»
Dealing with the death of someone you love can be very difficult, and during that time you’ll need to make some important decisions. If the deceased decided to be cremated after their passing, but didn’t choose an urn, you may need to select the urn that will hold their remains. The urn that you select will be the way that you honor them in the afterlife, and will be a representation of the life that they lived. Read More»
After the death of a family member, you can expect to spend much of your time making funeral arrangements. While the process will be easier if your family member planned the specifics of this event in advance, the reality is that not everyone takes the time to do so. One of your first priorities will be to contact a few funeral homes in your community and evaluate whether they’ll be able to provide the venue for the funeral visitation and the service itself. Read More»
When you are notified that someone you know or are related to has passed on, your initial reaction will likely be sorrow and sadness to hear of their passing. However, while making plans to attend the funeral, one big concern will likely come up: What will be the most appropriate thing to wear? Years ago, dressing for a funeral was easy for a gal– just pick out a black or gray outfit and you were good to go. Read More»
Your loved one may have expressed their desires to have a traditional funeral that included an open casket viewing at a funeral home and a burial at a cemetery. Unfortunately, factors out of your control may not make that possible. You may come to the conclusion that a cremation will be the best choice in one of these 4 situations.
The Funeral Cannot Happen Right Away
It can be difficult for family to quickly get together because death is usually sudden. Read More»
When a death has occurred, life insurance is often expected to provide for all of the final expenses and see to the needs of the family members. Unfortunately, for many Americans, that is not an option since as recently as 2010, about 4 out of 10 people had no life insurance. Of the individuals who did have some type of life insurance at that time, almost half did not have enough life insurance to cover all of their final expenses and support their family, if the worst were to happen. Read More»
If you want to have control over important affairs in your life, you may want to start to think about the importance of planning ahead for your own funeral arrangements. Many people put this off because it’s a difficult topic to think about. With help from a funeral planning professional, it’s easier than you think. Take a look at the following information to better understand the advantages to working with a funeral planner. Read More»
Choosing the right funeral home is one of the most important decisions that you’ll make when you’re pre-planning your funeral service. Many people don’t realize that funeral homes vary, so there’s more to think about than the cost of your service. Your need to choose a funeral home that offers everything you need. So, consider these things before you make your final decision.
Planning a Traditional Service
When you’re planning a traditional funeral service there are a lot of small details that you’ll need to arrange, such as the type of flowers you’d like displayed and whether or not you want a photo slide show. Read More»
On many headstones, engraving a name, the dates of birth and passing, and nice words such as “Beloved Spouse” sufficiently honors the deceased. What if the recently departed had another public persona and many people knew him or her by a different name or image? A person who achieved fame as a local broadcaster in the 1970’s or as a hero in a lesser-known sport in the 1960’s may have a following of fans who maintain fond recollections. Read More»
If you recently lost a loved one, then you might be in charge of arranging a funeral. On top of that, this can be a pretty complicated responsibility that requires consideration of many factors, such as the following:
In many cases, the biggest thing you have to worry about is money. If your loved one did not have life insurance and if there is no impending wrongful death lawsuit regarding them, then you probably have to pay out of pocket for many of the expenses. Read More»